Gambling History

Gambling has been a common phenomenon from many ages. So much so that it has many myths associated with it. Gambling is referred to the betting of money or any other valuable things of a person’s possession over a game of luck. Gambling has been around from many years. And it has evolved through the many years to what it is today. Gambling in the early years started as a recreation and a way to pass time from the routine everyday life.

Gambling is said to have been around from the stone ages, when man used to lead a nomadic life. It is said that he used to gamble using sheep anklebones as dice. There are many archeological findings to gambling. It is believed that gambling has mainly originated from the countries of Europe and China. Games such as poker, blackjack, craps, baccarat and roulette are said to have been played by the past generations of Europeans. Games like keno and Pai gow poker are said to have originated from China. The Egyptians and the Greek played dice games widely. Greek soldiers to have a time out from their routine wars used to play dice games. It was their favourite pass time. As much as the people had loved gambling, so much was it condemned in the European nations. The Christian and the Catholic Church did not approve of gambling, as it was a wrong way of using people’s hard earned money. But during the course of time, these rules put up by the European government had faded away and gambling is legal in Europe. In fact, it is the nation that has more gambling than any other nation.

Gambling has come a long way with a rough history dragging along. But in today’s world, it is widely accepted and also licensed by the government to set up casinos for people to play these games.

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